Ansys Workbench Platform

ANSYS SpaceClaim

ANSYS SpaceClaim enables anyone to create, edit, and repair geometry without worrying about underlying technology. With SpaceClaim, working with 3D modeling software becomes fast, easy, flexible, and rewarding, no matter where in the workflow you need it.

ANSYS SpaceClaim allows you to:

  • Work with any geometry no matter where it comes from
  • Focus on the task at hand instead of getting over your head with complicated technology
  • Learn the software in a matter of weeks instead of months
  • Realize a return on investment that’s faster than expected

With SpaceClaim you can work on:

  • WorkConcept Modeling
  • WorkSpecifically Simulation Driven Design and Bid Modeling/Early Concept Design
  • WorkManufacturing
  • WorkSpecifically 3D Printing, CAM, Sheet Metal, and Mold Manufacturing
  • WorkCAE Preparation
  • WorkSpecifically for CFD/Thermal and Structural analysis
  • WorkReverse Engineering
  • WorkGoing from 2D to 3D